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Toucan: ECA providing cleaning confidence for Care Homes

Updated: Mar 3, 2021

Toucan Eco Cleaning and Disinfection System

An innovative and 100% safe disinfectant and cleaning system developed by Centrego and working in partnership with Traffik is now providing reassurance and confidence to one of the UK's award-winning care home groups.

This luxury care home group has confirmed that it will be rolling out the environmentally-friendly Toucan Eco to all homes and new builds under the brands portfolio, with 16 already installed.

The health and well-being of residents, staff and visitors has always been a top priority for the group, even more so in current times where increased hygiene protocols are a must.

As a care home group that prides itself on delivering a safe and welcoming environment 24/7, the group sought an alternative to synthetic chemical cleaners; one that would meet the requirements laid out by Public Health England, stand up to the rigorous cleaning demands within care homes and be much safer for daily use.

Toucan Eco Installation

To date, 16 units have so far been installed and continue to be rolled out across the group.

The Toucan ECO unit is attached to the wall (access to water and electricity required) and once up and running is capable of producing 25 litres of cleaning solution in 40 minutes which can then be dispensed into buckets and spray bottles for multi-purpose cleaning and disinfecting.

How will the Care Home Group use Toucan?

The Toucan system is designed for self-generation of disinfectant and cleaning solution. This means that the housekeeping team can produce their own solution on-site at the touch of a button, whenever they need it.

The group will use Toucan alongside a few carefully selected chemical cleaners to drastically reduce the overall volume of cleaning chemicals used across the group. It will be used daily to clean the majority of surfaces and touch-points across their care homes.

Howard O'Brien - MD Traffik UK LTD says:

It has been great consulting with our client and supporting them to optimise their cleaning regime with the introduction of the Toucan system. It's always a pleasure to work with forward-thinking teams that welcome innovative cleaning ideas, designed to simplify and optimise current cleaning procedures.
With this system in place the group are protecting staff and resident welfare, protecting the environment and significantly reducing their long-term cleaning costs.

What exactly is ECA Technology?

ECA refers to Electrical Chemical Activation - a process that produces powerful but entirely safe disinfectants and cleaning solutions using only the simple inputs of ordinary water and table salt passed across a patented electro-chemical cell. The process produces a biocide that is pH neutral, non-toxic and non-hazardous to all macro-organisms.

The Toucan units use ECA technology to produce hypochlorous acid (HOCI) and sodium hypochlorite (NAOCI) at low concentrations which make for a harmless but effective disinfectant and cleaner.

Toucan Eco can be produced by your healthcare staff on-site - there is no shipping, chemical waste or storage requirements. It is 100% safe for humans, animals and the environment and can save £millions on chemical use over future years.

What are the benefits of Toucan Eco?

Toucan offers a huge array of benefits to the individual user, the business and the wider environment. It's 100% safe for humans and animals and is non-allergenic.

Toucan Eco is EN certified to EN 14476, EN 16777, EN 1276(2019) and more. The solution is proven capable of killing non-enveloped and enveloped viruses such as Covid-19 with a high efficacy of up to 99.999% against spores, virus and bacteria.

It's cheap to produce (from as little as £0.035p/l) and offers businesses real long-term cost savings on their cleaning. On top of this there is also the fact that Toucan offers huge environmental savings - including the reduction in single-use plastic cleaning bottles and the associated transport, storage and disposal that comes with such chemical cleaners.


Toucan Eco meets PHE Guidelines

Toucan Eco can be produced to deliver 1,000ppm available chlorine to meet the following PHE requirements:

PHE COVID-19 Guidance for maintaining services within Health & Care Settings

Infection prevention and control recommendations:

9.3.1 Equipment - Decontamination of equipment must be performed using either:

A combined detergent/disinfectant solution at a dilution of 1,000 parts per million or

A general purpose neutral detergent in a solution of warm water followed by a disinfection solution of 1,000 ppm

9.3.2 Environment - Routine cleaning must be performed using either:

A combined detergent/disinfectant solution at a dilution of 1,000 ppm or

A general purpose neutral detergent in a solution of warm water followed by a disinfection solution of 1,000 ppm

Toucan Eco is a combined detergent/disinfectant solution but can also be used purely as a disinfectant in a two stage decontamination/clean depending on the protocol required.

For further information about Toucan or ECA cleaning systems and to arrange a demonstration please contact the office on 01985 840400 |


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